Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Using BS simulator

Today, I've lost 4 hours trying to understand an unexpectable error when testing a BS Method using BS simulator, so here's the story.
All my executin ends in:

An error has ocurred in business component "Service Request" creation used by business object "Business Service"....
After struigling with it, and try to discover where I've used that BS, because I don't remember to use it, I've discover (with a little help from Gonçalo) this piece of code :
   activeBO = TheApplication().ActiveBusObject();
bcSR = activeBO.GetBusComp("Service Request");
So I've solved the mistery, "Business service" is the ActiveBusObject when you instantiate a method from BS simulator, and that's causing the unexpected error.

Thanks Gonçalo, without your help I surely can't solve this out.

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